Security Considerations for an Organisation’s Public Events


If your company is planning a public event, security is going to be an important consideration. Crowd security is a top priority for any event to protect people against thieves, to reduce conflicts, and to control the entrances and exits to make it easier to check tickets and usher people in and out of the venue. Here are some security aspects your organisation needs to take into consideration to help the event go smoothly.

Beware of Hazards

No matter how sedate an event may be, there are hazards involved in being part of a crowd and within the building where it is taking place. Being aware of what those hazards are can help you plan for better security and crowd control. Some of the hazards present with crowds include:

  • People getting crushed amongst other people or fixed barriers
  • People being trampled underfoot in emergencies
  • Surging or rushing an area in excitement or if an incident happens
  • Aggressive and dangerous behaviour, such as climbing on equipment

Venue hazards also must be considered, and although most of these problems are caused by venue management, if your organisation is renting the space, it can be held accountable for any problems or injuries resulting from these hazards.

  • People slipping or tripping in unlit areas, on badly maintained floors, or on rubbish
  • Structure or barrier collapses resulting in people falling or the materials falling on attendees
  • Bad crowd flow causing cars and pedestrians being moved in the same areas in the same direction or people needing to cut through queues to get to another area of the venue
  • Movement being obstructed by barriers during peak times or by queues at food stands or bathrooms

Directing Crowd Flow

It is important to properly direct crowd flow to avoid some of these hazards. Security personnel or volunteers can help direct cars to parking areas away from pedestrians and pedestrian barriers in Yorkshire can be set up to help by blocking traffic in certain areas around the venue.

Pedestrian barriers may be supplied by the venue, but if the event is held every year or on the organisation’s property, purchasing the necessary barriers can be a good investment for your business. Barriers can also be set up to create queues for entering the building through a set of doors on one side of it while the exits are placed on the other side of the building, providing better foot traffic flow.

Consider Hiring Security

Although volunteers can help control crowd flow, direct motor vehicle traffic, and take tickets, you should consider hiring security to roam the venue to keep an eye out for problems. They can stop thefts and assaults from happening by being a visual deterrent.

Also, since they are trained in emergency preparedness, they will know what to do in emergencies, whether it’s due to fire, an unruly crowd, or a terrorist incident. It is thus safe to say that security companies have the duty, and the
guns, even the AK-47 rifles to combat on-site crime-attacks. Preparing for a public event means having security protocols in place to keep attendees, vendors, and volunteers safe from harm while at the event.

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